Added a quick & dirty light theme. π
Edit: Also added a green mode hehe. πΈπΈπΈ
Hi you might remember seeing the site look less boring. Yep there's a reason for that.
Because I thought it'd be funny to change it to a basic
AF page with only a PNG of a frog. lol
Added a quick & dirty light theme. π
Edit: Also added a green mode hehe. πΈπΈπΈ
Update regarding my site. Currently I've focused my work on 3 pages:
The index is almost complete, I just need to finish the finalized assets & it's good to go. The blog is practically 100% done. It's basic looking but it'll do for now.
The about page however...
I've been having an issue with the about page. The scope of it is too big for what I'm motivated to do at the moment. I really like the idea I really do but I keep getting caught up in trying to finish it to the point where it seems impossible to do.
So I decided to scrap the about page I was working on & leave it on the backburner for later when I'm more motivated to get the job done. I'll still use it (At least some of it.) but I won't feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew.
Happy halloween everyone!πππ»
Decided to push a minor update for the occassion. (I'd do more with the "quick about me page." Even had ideas but my hand hurts. π€) I'm not doing much today, just planning to watch a few movies (Scream 2 & 3) & eat some candy for fun.
Currently having major art block, which is bad since most of the site assets for the new version of the site require me to make some art.
Good news however is that I've made a ton of layout concepts for a couple of pages! Which makes things a lot easier to block out with html & css. It's a really good process for my workflow!
The process is this:
After all that I start blocking out the HTML & CSS. That's it so far!
I'm not dead still working on other parts of my site.
Again it's been a long time since I've made an update. Surprise!
Made a minor change to this page so it's less of a headache
to edit. Made the dates <h3>
tags instead of
tags to make it easier to edit and
Disclaimer: I'm unable to test things on mac products before I update a page. I don't have any so if something looks off on your Apple device that's why. I felt the need to say this because I know a ton of people use Apple products. (Hell Apple's a direct competitor to Microsoft.) Ok onto the update!
Current progress is this:
Hey it's been a while since I've made an update!
I've been mostly spending my time learning Python and working on some python scripts that'll optimize production of both blogposts and another thing related to Toyhouse.
The first python script for blogposts will make posts faster than ever. Right now the goal of this week is working on my "main" site.
You probably noticed a new button/link on my page. That's right I've added a new page. This will be the only other page on this version of the site, only there for convienence. It's a quick about me page that also has some links to my other socials and an FAQ section.
It's a little messy but I don't care. It does it's job.
Hopefully this'll be the last update in a while, not because of
anything bad but due to me hopefully working on my more
"finished" site. I've also changed the froge to my froge, she
has a crown!
Sorry I couldn't help myself, I added Gene.
Today was very cold, actually the past week has been really cold! Cold enough that it makes it hard to type or draw! Thankfully I'm cozied up and relaxing. Today I also wrote a shell script that lets me select a directory and open it in Vim.
BTW I started learning
I really like it so far and NGL I actually really like using it
for .txt
& .md
I'm actually thinking about using Vim for writing 11ty posts instead of VSC. It loads faster and with the script I wrote it'll improve productivity. Since it's very... I'll just say "plain" for now. It's a lot easier for me to focus on editing/writing the file!
It'll take a while to write about the script & explain how I made it. So I'll share the script and my process in another post on my new site. Maybe even the first post!
(I should actually start writing it now haha.. π )
Added a silly little guy here. (Luigi)
Also I almost added a page here but realized that adding
more pages to a placeholder version of a site is a bad idea. So
instead I'm adding those pages onto the site I'm working on.
Relevant post lol: https://kind.social/@QueensRambleRoomFFCASH/111768225133139540
Tweaked this site's CSS. Currently drawing some OC art & working on some 11ty layouts for my site.
Added a quick link to my mastodon and fixed some media queries!
Today I made this so people can see my brain slowly melt into nothing! (Joking!)